double pages
(cross-post added to IE General)
"gumada" wrote in message
When I want to compose an email, I click compose
What application are you in which allows you to "click compose"?
(Sounds like some kind of web app. In that case please post a URL
as a clarifying detail. Also please state whether it was in Fullscreen
mode. E.g. press F11 to toggle that mode and compare symptoms
for both cases.)
and one screen comes into
view and immediately after, another screen comes up behind it. Its a full
page screen.
Instead of using the word "screen" if we used the word "window"
it would appear that you are trying to decribe a situation where you were
in an (unstated) app (but almost certainly not OE6) which opened two windows
(perhaps in another app but probably in IE7); one window was used for E-mail
composition and the other window you haven't described except to say how
big it was.
When I finish writing and sending the email, the larger screen
stays on and when I click cancel to get rid of it a box appears and says
"do you want to close all tabs"?
Please be more precise. Is there literally some control labeled Cancel
that you can click on or are you just saying you used the mystery window's
Close box? (E.g. X, in top right corner--hover your mouse pointer there
before using it and you may see a tooltip which confirms this.)
FWIW my guess would be that you are closing an IE7 window which contains
more than one tab. Therefore, closing the window instead of an individual
tab would give you a message (from Internet Explorer) similar to what you
are describing. In addition if this mystery window is in Fullscreen mode
with Auto-Hide enabled you would be unaware of its multi-tab property.
If so, before trying to close that window, press F11 to see if you can switch
it into its normal mode. Then you can decide if you really want to close
the window, close the current tab or do something else.
The only way I can get rid of that screen is
to click on the arrow in the upper left hand corner, which returns me to my
Again, this sounds as if you are using the Back button in a browser window.
But if you can see a Back button you should also then be aware of the window's
other controls, in particular its tabs. The tab labels would show you only the first
few characters of the titles for their respective pages and if you are in Fullscreen mode
you wouldn't see the current tab's title any where else but you could press Ctrl-Shift-Q
to get a list of them (even when the toolbar is in Auto-Hide mode.)
Can anyone please help me get rid of the bigger screen so it doesn't appear
when I'm sending emails???
Is the "bigger screen" not just the original app where you clicked "Compose"?
Do you really want to close that? eg
In any case, please clarify how your symptom relates to OE6.
All the above speculation would make this question off-topic in here
and more appropriate for the IE General newsgroup.
Cross-posting to IE General for information.
Robert Aldwinckle