If you want to post a suggestion to Microsoft, enter the Office community
newsgroups through
http://www.microsoft.com/office/comm...s/default.mspx, click the arrow
next to the New button and choose Suggestion for Microsoft. A disclaimer
will appear at the end of your post to say that it is a suggestion. Other
users can vote on your suggestion and that will have a great effect on which
suggestions are the most likely to be implemented in the future.
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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" wrote:
Thank you for the replies,
Regardless of the debate on bottom-posting versus top-posting, I
personally want to control the behaviour of Outlook 2003 so that on a
reply or forward;
a) my signature is placed at the bottom of the entire message, and
b) the cursor is placed at the top of the message before any other
It is unfortunate that Microsoft appears unable or unwilling to
provide this flexibility, a flexibility commonly found in many email
clients, and that we have to rely on the good graces of others to
write programs to accomplish what other email clients have natively.
With respect to using Outlook-QuoteFix to resolve this deficiency in
Outlook, I am concerned that one has to call it rather than Outlook,
which is not an advantage when trying to standardize and office
environment as simply as possible. Also Outlook-QuoteFix appears to
do more than address points a & b above.
I still believe Microsoft should provide the ability to do a and b
above as PART of Outlook. I wish Microsoft would take notice... but
I'm not holding my breath.
On Aug 10, 2:04 am, Notan notan@ddressthatcanbespammed wrote:
Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
You're right aboutbottomposting being the long-standing Usenet convention;
however, top posting has gained popularity in many areas due to the fact that
many people don't know how to edit earlier parts of the thread so that the
thread doesn't get to be five miles long (or they don't have the time).
Also, top posting is much easier to deal with when reading messages on a
mobile device with a small screen and funky formatting -- just look at the
top and the quote below it and you're done.
With all due respect, the problem is when posters, such as yourself,
mix top andbottomposting, making the whole thing rather difficult
to follow.