That's really easy - as I'm used to translate daily some confusing English
into what I consider would make sense

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:
Am Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:23:51 +1000 schrieb Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook):
And EVEN if they are writing in English rather than your native German!
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Professional Speaker, Trainer and Consultant
read my articles he
Canberra, Australia
how to post questions:
"Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]" wrote in message
As that has become one of my main areas I've learned what people really

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:
Am Fri, 10 Aug 2007 09:22:59 -0400 schrieb Brian Tillman:
Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
To merge the categories A and B into C: Switch to a table view that
displays all of the items and group by categories. Select one item
and create the new category C. Now select all items of category A,
display the Categories dialog, check category C and uncheck category
A. Do the same with the category B items.
See, I would have intrepreted "merging two caletgories" to mean "make 'A
B' a single category".