Thanks very much - you solved my main problem.
A follow-up question : How can I make the Contacts folder that I just added
to the Address Book, the AB's DEFAULT Contacts folder? The default is now the
empty folder that existed after I installed Outlook. After the AB comes up, I
must scroll down in the Show Names dropdown list to the new folder, past the
empty default and a second folder that got inserted into this list by some
error on my part (if I click on that one, I get an error message that says it
was moved, deleted, or I do not have permissions).
Alternatively, is there a way to simply remove these first two folders from
this dropdown list?
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
John Mc John wrote:
I have Outlook 2003 on both a desktop and a new laptop, and I'm
trying to get the desktop's Address Book Contact list into the
laptop's Address Book. I've successfully copied the desktop's
Outlook.pst file to the laptop, and its emails and folders all
appear, as well as the populated "Contacts" FOLDER. But nothing
appears when I click Tools/Address Book.
You must enavle the Contacts folder as an address book.
"Contact information does not appear in the address book in Outlook "
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]