Outlook 2007 "Microsoft office outlook has stopped working"
Thank you for the posts. I went in to Outlook in safe mode and removed
all the add ins. When I went back out of safe mode Outlook still locks up?
I do not have cloudmark, this is a newer machine that mainly collects dust so
I am at a loss. Any other ideas?
"barryC" wrote:
I had similar problems with Outlook 2007 -- frequency crashes, with function
restored after restart, only to crash again. Microsoft Technet forum postings
from 2006 addressed this problem in Outlook 2007 Beta, noting that Adobe
Acrobat's PDFMaker Add-in to Outlook disables program's normal operation.
PDFMOutlook add-in can be removed via the Trust Center menu in Outlook Tools
menu (under COM Add-ins). If permissions not properly set in Office 2007, the
add-in cannot be removed and you receive the inscrutable message "The
connected state of Office Add-Ins registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE cannot be
changed." Permissions can be changed by right-clicking the Office 2007
program icon in the Start menu and selecting Properties, then Security, then
Edit Permissions. After PDFMOutlook was removed by this procedure, my Outlook
2007 crash problems seemed to be resolved.
"BillR [MVP]" wrote:
Is Cloudmark installed? If it is then you might need to update it.
If that isn't the problem then try disabling add-ins and add them back one
by one to see if any are causing the problem. I suspect since Outlook works
in Safe Mode it is an add-in that is causing the problem.
Bill R MVP
"Oilersfan1" wrote in message
I have been having this problem for a couple of days. It has not worked
since I installed it. I am running Vista on a new ACER machine and office
Enterprise . I can get outlook to work in Windows Safe mode only. It
not start in safe mode for outlook. I have tried all the ideas I have
here, I think, and have come up with nothing. I have deleted the pst
and created new ones, I have changed the DEP setting and a few others, I
running out of ideas and I am not at all impressed. I have reached the
of my limited tech expertise. Any help would be greatly appreciated.