GAL reading and updation of data
I am using the redemption object to connect to the GAL and read each item
with its attributes like Name,Department,telephone etc.
Below is the script I tried -
objAddressEntry.Fields seems to be failing (does not find the collection) -
Any particular reason ? Where as objAddressEntry.Name seems to work fine and
returns the name of the group or contact from the GAL.
Also how can I update the GAL ? (as a next step)
Const CdoPR_GIVEN_NAME = &H3A06001F
Const CdoPR_TITLE = &H3A17001E
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
set AddrList = Session.AddressBook.AddressLists.Item("Global Address List")
MsgBox "There are " & AddrList.AddressEntries.Count & " items in the GAL"
Set objAddressEntries = AddrList.AddressEntries
int i=0
For Each objAddressEntry In objAddressEntries
on error resume next
Set objAddressFields = objAddressEntry.Fields
MsgBox objAddressEntry.Name
If Not objAddressFields is Nothing Then
MsgBox objAddressFields.Item(CdoPR_GIVEN_NAME).Value
MsgBox objAddressFields.Item(CdoPR_TITLE).Value
End If