Thread: weird mail
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Old August 17th 07, 03:40 PM posted to
Tom Willett
external usenet poster
Posts: 254
Default weird mail

"Steve T" wrote in message
| My brothers, who runs Thunderbird; e-mail has been showing up with this
| garbage in the body when I receive it:
| !--[if !supportEmptyParas]-- !--[endif]--
| !--[if !supportEmptyParas]-- !--[endif]--
| !--[if !supportEmptyParas]-- !--[endif]--
| It is the same when he just forward's to me or my son. If he copy's and
| paste's, the same thing happens. Not always, but most of the time.
| At which end is this garbage originating from? This is throughtout the
| of the received e-mail, not just in one spot. And it just started lately.
| Any ideas?
| Thank you, Steve T.
