Not able to start Outlook
I don't understand why suddenly things stop functioning all of a sudden.
Till 2 hrs back, Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail and Live Messenger were
all working.
I did one shutdown and now nothing is working.
Outlook is giving error- Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open
the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. The information
store could not be opened.
Live Mail is giving this error-Windows Live Mail could not be started. It
may not be installed correctly. Make sure that your disk is not full or that
you are not out of memory( 0x80041161)
Windows Live Mail could not be started because msmail.dll count not be
initialised. Windows Live Mail not be installed correctly.
Live Messenger- Error code 800706b5
I am listing all the errors here, though I know this is not the forum for
Outlook, because it seems that all these errors are somehow linked.
Nonetheless, posting this message simultaneously on that newsgroup also.
Pls help ! I am tired of fighting with all these softwares !