I am trying to send an Excel file which needs to be used as Read Only.
I have it in a folder on my hard disc. I have checked it's attributes and
it is Read Only. When I open it with Excel it is Read Only.
When I Email the file to myself, when I open it from the Email it is not
Read Only. There is VBA code in the open event that only runds when
ThisWorkbook.ReadOnly = true. Obviously this code does not run after it has
been Emailed.
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote in message
Send it as a PDF? It would be helpful to know what kind of file we're
talking about.
Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
"Paul W Smith" wrote in message
How do I send a file which is Read Only and have it still be Read Only
when it is received by the recipient?
I attached a file, which I know is Read Only, but when I open it from the
Email it is no longer Read Only.
I am using Outlook 2003.