Searching middle names on Outlook 2007
I have a problem that has been bothering me since I began using Outlook 2007.
When I am searching for e-mails in the compose window (that's when you press
the "To..." button) I don't get results for middle names. I tried searching
both with the "name only" and "more columns" options, none of them return me
the middle name. Not even the "Advanced Search".
For example, I have a contact named John Doe Smith and in the contact
properties I set:
name: John
middle: Doe
last: Smith
If I type "doe" in the search field Outlook returns me "The search returned
no results". Neither with name only nor more columns options. I can't search
using his nickname either (using "more columns" options), but his nickname is
set in the Contact details.
Now, when I search for his middle name in the "Contacts" panel, Outlook
returns me the middle name alright, but no nickname.
Is this a feature or a bug? I sincerely hope it is not a feature. I use
searching nicknames and middle names a lot, even Windows Mail (Outlook
Express on Vista) used to return me these fields.
Thank you very much,