outlook express sent mails..not actually sent??
I have a strange issue that just occured seemingly out of nowhere (yes
I know, nothing just happens out of nowhere I hate when people say it
just HAPPENED, they didnt do anything)
ive been using outlook express to send/receive mail for a few yrs with
the same host, isp, etc. I have 3 different email addresses on 3
different computers. I also have the ability to send/rec the emails
via a webmail service my isp provides but I dont (theres a reason I
mention this)'
Thursday when I got to work, I went to check my email, and I had a few
there. I responded to them, I didnt hear back from some people, so I
sent again. These emails all went to the sent folder, and I got no
errors. I tried sending an email to myself, to my other email
accounts, to my aol account and to two different known gmail
accounts. some of them arrived, others didnt.
I sent all of the same emails via the webmail service, and all of them
arrived fine! When I went to my apartment and tried to send via MY
copy of outlook express, they got there fine.
What could of happened? How could all 3 email addresses, on all three
computers, have the same problem? Some emails are being received,
some are not. Im not receiving every email that others send me, but
Im receiving some. I dont get it
I didnt close any more ports, I didnt activate the firewall, I didnt
add any virusscanning programs.. I am dumbfounded (or maybe Im just
any help would be GREATLY appreciated