OE6 doesn't recognize ".email" file?
"Chet" wrote in message
If I drag the attachment to "Inbox", "Drafts" or just the "Folders" pane, it
all does the same thing, immediately opens a new message with the attachment
in it. Trying to open the attachment from there yields the same results -
"Unknown File Type"?
The person has told me other recipients are noting the same problem so it
must be originating at his end, maybe his ISP as you alluded to.
Dragging the attachment to the desktop yields similar results. "Unknown File
Type" if I drag it there as received and try to open. Changing to "Open with
Outlook Express" just opens a new message with the attachment in it?
The first time I tried to help on this issue I tried simulating the problem
by taking an normal E-mail from my Inbox and saving it as Test.email
Then I attached that to another E-mail. I can't remember if I bothered trying
to actually send that or not but I can definitely remember that I was able to drag
the attachment to the Inbox and it appeared there just as if it might have arrived
and been read. And as I indicated because the message I chose to attach
was older than the other messages in my Inbox and because I sort my Inbox
by date that message appeared other than the latest addition to my Inbox.
Since that was some time ago, probably with a different version of OE,
I just did another related test to confirm that dragging an .eml attachment
to my Inbox still results in that E-mail appearing listed in my Inbox.
I think you should do these same two tests to at least confirm that OE's
Filetype associations aren't broken. In fact, you could also try
re-registering them anyway. E.g. close all OE windows (and verify
that msimn.exe is not an active process in Task Manager)
then Run... (e.g. press Win-R) and enter:
msimn.exe /reg
BTW don't expect any feedback from that command.
Our assumption has been that whatever this attachment is, it would be
a legitimate E-mail just saved with a different extension. If that is not the
case (e.g. a different MIME type is being used or something like that)
both this assumption and my simulation will be invalid. Then the only
thing you will be able to do with it is save it as a text file OR if you
figured out what the incompatibility was possibly easily converting
it to an E-Mail format that OE accepts.
Thanks for the help!
Good luck