OE 6 Attaches whole folder instead of file from folder!!
"sdlomi2" wrote in message
: "Tate" wrote in message
: ...
: The just started recently on one of my computers.
: When you create mail and want to insert an attachment, the "Look In"
: window
: opens normally. When you click on the folder to look in for a specific
: file,
: OE
: attaches the whole folder shortcut instead of opening the folder to
: the
: individual file you wish to attach. Worked fine initially but may have
: been
: changed
: by an automatic update. Did a system restore which corrected in once but
: last
: restore did not correct. IT'S BACK!! Any suggestions appreciated!!
: And yes, I'm a newbie and yes it was me that posted this same problem in
: the
: OUTLOOK group! Apologies to the OUTLOOK Gang. My Bad!
: --
: Tate
: Tried opening folder (w/OE off) and copying via right-click on file,
: then use paste when you wanna attach the copied file? s
Start your new message.
Go to the folder, highlight the files, and drag and drop on the new message
Ronald Sommer