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Well. I'll try to sum this up in a condensed version :-)
I loaded Vista a few weeks ago on my Dell Dimension XPS Gen 4. This is no
mediocre machine. 3.6 Ghz, with 4 gigs RAM, RAID 1 drive mirroring.
Original system was XP SP2.
After loading Vista business, I loaded office 2007.
Then I had a RAID drive go bad. Replaced it.
System still acting wierd at times. Outlook very slow.
Raid drive goes south again. Dell sends me TWO new drives. Installed
Friday night. Saurday drive goes again. After much searching, I find out
the onboard Intel RAID controller I have and Vista do not play well
together. Dell says, hey, we sold it with XPS, you are on your own!
So Saturday night, I go back to XP, and load office 2007. Success! Outlook
runs fine. Speed is back to normal. Drives are not crashing!
No more Vista on this system for me I guess. What a shame. I have Vista on
my new laptop and it works fine. I was hoping to move to Vista, but at
least I have my answers.