New Email all messed up
Thanks so much; my emails are working fine, now. No more weirdness.
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:50:33 +0100, "DL" address@invalid wrote:
|Search for and delete all instances of, on starting Word it will
|be recreated, clean
wrote in message
.. .
| Outlook 2002.
| Suddenly I have a terrible problem. When I write an email, every
| paragraph is bounded by a red box. I added a red-box Style to a word
| document recently. When I open Word 2002, my Normal template also
| puts a red box on everything. It also shows all the styles I have
| ever created, even though I never saved them to the Normal template.
| I deleted, but the weirdness came right back.
| I think I need to recreate a new Normal template. I don't know how to
| do that.
| Lady Dungeness
| Crabby, but Great Legs!
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~