Do the file names from this person actually end .JPG or is it perhaps
..JPEG or .JPE?
There is a separate Windows File Association for each of those. You'll
get the no file association warning in OE if the file association is
missing the OPEN action. OE uses the OPEN action rather than the
Default action (which might be SHOW, DISPLAY, etc.) that gets used when
you double click a saved file.
See the Identifying Attachment File Types and Setting File Associations
section of
Decoding Internet Attachments - A Tutorial
Mike -
"ABC" wrote in message
And the problem is with only one friend of mine. Everyone else sending
me .jpg phos are opening normally.
He is using Outlook2007 and I used to receive his photos without any
kind of problems before and no other friends of his are completing.
"ABC" kirjoitti viestissä
Yes, I can save the pictures to the HardDisk and then open, but I
used to be able move the mails with .jpg-files in a Outlook Express
from Inbox-folder to a new folder and even open the pictures in
Outlook Express without saving then first.. Now it just says "Cant
move" and "Error". No error numbers.
I know the sender and they are photos. When he sends photos to my
Gmail, there is no problems to open them without saving.
"Michael Santovec" kirjoitti viestissä
Regarding the JPG images that you can't open, what exactly happens?
Any error message?
Can you do a File, Save Attachments on them?
If the attachment names are faded or OE says that it has removed
access to the attachments, then they might not be real JPG files.
They might even be viruses. Do you know the senders? Did you ask
for the images?
Mike -
"ABC" wrote in message
Some senders are mailing me .jpg photos, but OE can't open. Some
sender's .jpg photos I can open.
I can't move all mails to a new folder in OE. Some mails I can.
Can anyone tell me why?