Hey, I finally got it fixed and OE is working again. I found a place where my
firewall COMODO had it blocked. Thanks for all of the help from everyone
that sent me suggestions.
Ol' Bob
"Ol'''' Bob" wrote:
The nslookup and telnet both worked fine. I shut off the email scanning in
Norton AV, and closed my firewall, and it still didn't work.
"Vanguard" wrote:
"Ol'''' Bob" wrote in message
Here is the complete error message
The host 'mail.comcast.net' could not be found. Please verify that
you have
entered the server name correctly. Account: 'mail.comcast.net',
'mail.comcast.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
Socket Error:
11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
Open a DOS shell. Enter "nslookup mail.comcast.net". Does it find an
IP address for the specified IP name? Humans use IP names. Computers
only use IP addresses to connect to each other. That means when you
enter an IP name that a request gets sent to whatever DNS server you
are using to return the IP address for that host so then your computer
can use the IP address to go find the target host.
As another test, in a DOS shell, run "telnet mail.comcast.net 110".
That will telnet you into that host (if the DNS lookup works okay) on
port 110 (which is the default for POP3). You should see that you can
connect to the host. Don't bother with trying to figure out how to
use that telnet session (just enter "quit" to exit the telnet session,
or close the DOS shell window). You just want to see if your computer
can get the IP address for the target host and if there is a process
running on that host that is listening on port 110; i.e., you want to
see if you can get there and, if so, if something is responsive to
accept the connection.
Outlook Express Error Codes
0x800CCC0D CANT_FIND_HOST Cannot locate server.
Something is interferring with Outlook Express finding the host.
Could be your firewall. Could be an anti-virus program. Could be
some anti-spam software that you installed.