Category View Doesn't "Stick"
Thanks, Russ. However, I think the solution you provided may be for use with
Tasks as it has the Simple and Detailed view options.
However, I did attempt to do something similar in the Contacts view using
one of the standard views - Phone List. I continue to have the same problem
when I sort on another field.
For whatever reason, it just doesn't want to keep the group by when sorting
on another field.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Well no wonder.
Judy Gleeson has provided the following workaround to overcome the new way
Outlook 2003 sorts the "By Category" view:
Use the Detailed or Simple List view, show the columns you want to see
(field chooser), click the column (eg Last Name) you want to sort by, THEN
use the group by box to group by Category. That should have alphabetical as
well as the grouping.
Russ Valentine
"Christina" wrote in message
Outlook 2003.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
I'll bet you know your Outlook version.
We don't.
Russ Valentine
"Christina" wrote in message
I like to view my contacts by category. My default sort in this view is
Full Name. When I sort by another field, I lose my category groupings
it looks like a phone list view even though I am still in category
only way to get my contacts grouped by category again is to reset the
category view via View Arrange By Define Views Reset.
I have tried making my own custom view grouping by category, but the
happens here, too.
Is there anyway to "lock" the grouping by category in the Category view
that sorting by different fields does not affect the view?