Amy FIY also:
This is what is in my setup under server url, they use your hotmail acct. to
get your mail out of your msn e-mail acct.. Than all other info you must
fill in is what you already know.... user name, password and so on. If this
does not help please let me know.
Server url is -
"LipstickOnAChick" wrote in message
Hi Amy,
I just went through this myself - this is what MSN stated after several
calls and many attempts to get it right!. Do Not use "POP3" use "HTTP" in
place of thoes words "POP3". They are converting all POP3 to HTTP.
I hope this helps.
"Home" wrote in message
I have never been able to use Outlook express for email. It always tells
me the POP3 is incorrect. Well now I need to get it right. I have been
working with it all day and, well it is still wrong. Can someone help me
get the right information in here so it will work? I appreciate any help I
can get. I am not sure is the STMP info is correct or not.
Thank you