Tools, Accounts, Mail, Properties, General. Make sure that Include this
account is checked.
If that's not the problem, you may want to try recording a pop3.log
which will show more details about incoming mail.
To create an POP3.log In OE5+, go to Tools, Options, Maintenance,
Troubleshooting and check the Mail box.
You may need to close OE after doing the send for the log to get written
to disk.
The log will be in the Store Folder which is listed in Tools, Options,
Maintenance, Store Folder.
Mike -
"OTMama" wrote in message

When I click on Send/Receive, there is a screen flash for a split
second and
then the message at the bottom of the page No New Messages. I can not
send or
receive messages. Internet Explorer is working Ok, so I know that the
PC is
online. Any suggestions?