I am having a similar problem - oe cannot open either the inbox or the
sentbox and when I click on send/rec button it does not seem to try to
dowload at all for me email account - I looked for the inbox.dbx folder and
could not find it even after having it search all folders including the
hidden ones - please help - Thanks
"Kuay Tim" wrote:
Hi Steve,
The Outbox is damaged.
To resolve this behavior, rename or delete the Outbox.dbx file:
Close Outlook Express before renaming or deleting a DBX file.
Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
In the Named box, type Outbox.dbx.
In the Look in box, click your primary hard disk (usually drive C), and then
click Find Now. You may need to include hidden files and folders for your
Right-click the Outbox.dbx file that appears, and then click Rename. It is
okay to delete the file instead.
Type Outbox.old, and then click OK.
Restart Outlook Express to rebuild the Outbox.dbx file, and then send a
Open the Store Folder Alternative
1. In Outlook Express click on Tools, Options, Maintenance tab...Store
2. Place the cursor at the left of the text of the path to the folder.
3. Drag the cursor to the right until the text scrolls to the end.
4. Right-click on the text and choose Copy.
5. In the Start, Run box right-click Paste. Click OK to open the store
Using Keyboard Shortcuts for the Open the Store Folder Alternative
An even easier method when opening that page is to use the Tab to
highlight the folder location, then Ctrl+C and close OE, then use Start/Run
and Ctrl+V. Same caveat about hidden files applies but can be easily
modified in Explorer by using Tools/Folder Options.
Keyboard tips courtesy of Jim Pickering, MVP-Outlook Express
Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
Lynnwood, WA
"Steve M. Raleigh" Steve M. wrote in
message ...
Since yesterday morning, OE6 will not send or receive when I tell it to. It
doesn't even log on (the send/rec. window pops up and then immediatly
I cannot even send...i get this message: "The message could not be sent /
an error has occured"
I also realize that when I click on the "outbox" folder, it displays this:
"Folder could not be displayed...OE could not open this folder...possible
causes a Low disk space Low memory" I have no memory or disk space
HELP! How can I fix this?