Can't see Tasks in any 'To Do' views, and no Task reminders (OL-20
I have the same problem so I am watching this space with interest. So far
you seem to have hit a dry well?
"JokesterGuy" wrote:
Though tasks appear in the "Tasks" folder and on the "Outlook Today" views,
they don't show up on the "Calendar" view in the To Do Bar (right side) or
the Tasks strip (bottom center, under the appointments calendar). Have
already tried enabling the "Display reminders and tasks from this folder in
the To Do Bar" option in the Properties for the Personal Folder that contains
everything (what they tell you to do to .pst files to get tasks to show up in
To Do and to enable reminders for them); didn't work, despite several
attempts that included closing Outlook each time between turning the option
on and off. Also tried doing an install repair to Outlook, followed by a
reboot...but nada. I'm running 'Vista Ultimate' on an HP Pavilion
Entertainment notebook with AMD Turion 64x2 processor, and using data
imported from my Outlook 2003 version. Any help would most certainly be