Microsoft LDAP Directory Issue
I just upgraded successfully from Office 2000 Premium to Office 2007
Professional. However, since then, every time I open up Outlook 2007,
before the window for it opens up, I get a window entitled "Microsoft LDAP
Directory". The window also contains a "Connection Details" tab, which in
turn contains "Server Name: NULL; Port: 3268; User name: NULL; Password:";
the Password field is blank. The "User Secure Password Authentication (SPA)
box is blank and unchecked; I then have to click CANCEL to get to my Outlook
2007 window. How to I get rid of this window from popping up? Note that the
slip that came with the CD only states that all I need to do is to put the
upgrade CD in the drive, and follow the
directions to upgrade, and nothing else. Thanks!