Yes I am still looking for help - I will try your suggestions although I had
already compacted the folders - don't remember if oe was open when I tried to
delete the inbox,outbox,sentbox, deletebox - it did let me delete the
draftbox- so I will try again with oe closed and if that doesn't work I will
try renaming and if that doesn't work I will try the new identity if that
doesn't work should I try to uninstall oe 6.0 and then reinstall it? - Thanks
"Kuay Tim" wrote:
Hi Donna,
Are you still looking for help with this issue? Was OE closed when you
attempted to delete the Inbox.dbx file? Can the file be renamed to
Inbox.old? Some minor corruption can be corrected by compacting folders, but
this does not offer a good chance for success.
OE File (menu), Folder Compact All Folders. This is most safely done in
Offline mode. Do not do anything until the process completes -- usually two
minutes or less.
The best best course might be to use a new Outlook Express identity. Are
there any messages you want to try to save from the problem identity?
OLEXP: How to Create and Use Identities in Outlook Express 5.x and 6.0;EN-US;209169
Tim K.
aka Kuay Tim
MS-MVP - Outlook Express
Lynnwood, WA
"Donna" wrote in message
I tried to delete the inbox.dbx, outbox.dbx & outbox.dbx - got an error
message: Cannot delete inbox.dbx Data error( cyclic redundancy check)
"Donna" wrote:
I am still waiting for some advice on fixing oe 6.0 - I have sbc yahoo dsl
and can receive mail in yahoo, but prefer to receive it in outlook
express -
oe worked fine on 1-31-06 and when I opened the program on 2-1-06 it did
- I am getting a message saying oe could not open folder(inbox) causes
be low disk space or low memory. I already did everything I could to make
sure I did not have low disk space or low memory. When I tried to find the
file inbox.dbx it was not there when I searched for it even among hidden
files - kind of hard to delete a file that isn't there to make a new one -
please help - Thanks
"Steve M. Raleigh" wrote:
Since yesterday morning, OE6 will not send or receive when I tell it to.
doesn't even log on (the send/rec. window pops up and then immediatly
I cannot even send...i get this message: "The message could not be sent
an error has occured"
I also realize that when I click on the "outbox" folder, it displays
"Folder could not be displayed...OE could not open this
causes a Low disk space Low memory" I have no memory or disk
HELP! How can I fix this?