Contact Activites Tab
When I go to the Activities tab on my own personal contact, under All Items
(by default) I see all the mail from any mail folder, contacts, appointments,
tasks, recurring appointments (birthdays/anniversaries) etc.
Each other selction from the drop down box results in a view with the
corresponding selection: well at least E-Mail, Notes, and Upcoming
When I go to the Contacts drop down, it says "There are no items to show in
this view."
I do not understand why all the Contacts would appear in ALL ITEMS but not
under CONTACTS which seems to be a subset of ALL ITEMS.
I am contemplating starting a new Profile if that will solve some of the
quirks I am experiencing (waiting for advice on a couple of other threads
regarding this), but I would still like to understand why this occurred.
TIA for all help and I will be happy to provide additional details if it
will be of assistance.
Office 2003 SP 2, XP Pro SP2.