Ghost account?
Cancel that - I figured it out myself.
For those who might read this, the problem was that I had a catchall on my
old account that forwarded to one of the new ones.
"PappaBravo" wrote:
I have recently had a crash, but was able to restore the .pst file. However
as that doesn't hold the account information I have had to restore that
information. But I didn't do that for all the accounts, only the current
ones. Now I keep getting returned mails as if I am sending out mails from one
of the old accounts. As a seperate matter I am investigating if the site
holding that mail address has been hacked and somebody is sending out mails
from there, since I get 3 - 400 bounced mails return.
My problem is that I don't understand why I am picking up those mails. I am
not picking up from that mail address any more since I restored. Is it
posible that due to the way I reinstalled after the crash, that Outlook still
downloads mail from this old address, even if it doesn't show amongst the new
accounts I have created? Is there any way I can see mail accounts apart from
the Outlook accounts page? (Like the registry?).
I am using office 2007 on an XP SP2 system.