Blank Body on emails
on 2/2/2006, Jim McColl asked :
I am membership chairman of a large pensioners group and frequently send a
large number of emails (1100) to members using Worldcast bulk email program.
Every time I do this, I get about 10 emails back from people telling me the
body of the email was blank. In each and every case the person having the
problem is an OE user. I generally send the emails in HTML in order to be
able to display different sizes and colours of fonts. Personally I use
Outlook and never have these kinds of problems.
I have searched the MS support and see several suggested ways around this, I
see an equal number of messages from people who have tried these suggestions
with no results. Is there a definitive answer to this problem, that I could
pass on to my OE users,most of whom being pensioners are not very technically
oriented ?
The same 10 of 1100 is a very small percentage. I wonder if creating a
webpage every month and forwarding the link, might be another solution,
if these ten subscribers are stubborn about reading their e-mail in a
text format only.
I read all my Outlook Express e-mail in text only format, and send
e-mail in text only format. The two newsletters that send in HTML,
also provide a typed web-link instead of a fancy graphic link for the
Good Luck
JR the postman