Can't Import .pst file
I had to have my laptop repaired. It was suggested that I back up everything
before sending it in. So I did. I am now trying to reinstall all the
programs and data that was erased during the repair.
I backed up my Outlook (before repair) using the Import/Export in Outlook
and saved it on DVD. I have been trying to restore the data but it wont let
me. If I try to Import from the DVD I get the message: "File access Denied:
You don't have the permission required to access the file D:\Outlook.pst."
Okay. Than I tried moving the file off of the DVD into my Documents folder
on my HD and tried again. Now I get the message: "The File
c:\Users\username\Documents\Outlook.pst is not compatible with this version
of the Personal Folders information service. Contact your administrator".
How can I restore may data? Nothing seems to be working.