Hi ken,
did u mean this : " Until the user clicks (via mouse) OR tabsout (via
keyboard) , the entered text is not retained."
My issue is that entered-text is not retained when user clicks(via mouse).
Moreover, in OL2003, there are not a lot of places with comboboxes.
i see some dropdowns in default Explorer view in OL2003:
(i) "Current View" - Messages, Last Seven Days etc
( this does not let entered-text retained on clicking)
(ii) "Look for :" ___________ (i typed sm text here and text is retained
after I click elsewhere)
thanks for your help
"Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
That's the way it works, you can't change it. Until the user clicks tab or
enter the text is not retained. Look at the built-in combo's in the ribbon
or the Explorer toolbars and they behave the same way.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options
wrote in message
CommandBarComboBox on inspector toolbar (ol2003 + vsto 2005 se +
I have created a commandbarcombox on an inspector commandbar via a OL
addin .
I am facing this issue of loose-value-on-mouse-click v/s
retain-value-on-keyboard-TABOUT for the text entered in that
commandbarcombox .
(Q1) Any body any ideas on how to resolve this ?
(Q2) Is this a Microsoft bug or am I doing anything wrong ?
relevant code is :
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
MyCmdBarCbx = (Office.CommandBarComboBox)MyUICommandBar.Controls .Add(
MyCmdBarCbx.Width = 120;
MyCmdBarCbx.Tag = MyEntryId + MyRandomNo + MyStrings;
Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandle r MyCmdBarCbxHandler =
Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandle r(MyCmdBarCbx_Change);
MyCmdBarCbx.Change += MyCmdBarCbxHandler;
The control shows up fine on the toolbar.
After the user enters text in this control, it reverts back to the
text if the user clicks somewhere else (such as the message body).
tab, however, preserves the newly entered text.
For the first time when the original text is null, then on-clicking
text reverts to null.
Why is this and how do I make this control behave like a textbox should?
Thanks a lot