Ability to cancel newsgroup item
That is exactly the case, but it will not go bold.
Duuna R
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message .. .
The Cancel Message option will only be bold if you have /one/ message header
highlighted, (i.e. expand the thread first), and the message was sent by
That said, few news servers acknowledge your request and the message will
not be canceled. MSNews will not remove it for one.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"DUUNA RICHARDSON" wrote in message
I use newsgroups extensively and am no longer able to cancel messages as I
have been able to in the past. When I click on a message, then click
Message, the Cancel message is not bold. I have not made any changes in
Outlook Express and am looking for answers from anyone.
Thanks, Duuna R