If the attachment actually ends .LNK then they sent you a short cut to a
file or folder on their PC which is worthless to you.
If they are using Outlook Express they may have done an Insert, File
Attachment and followed a link to a folder in which case OE attached the
link rather than what they expected. They'll need to go a different
route to attach the actual photos such as opening the folder in Windows
Explorer and using drag-and-drop to attach the images.
Mike -
"steven schindler" wrote in message
I just received an email from someone and they were trying to send me
some pictures. I got the email but there was this message.
"OE removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your email:
Kodak EasyShare link"
Kodak Easy share is the program this person uses for their digital
camera. Anyone know why this happened. Was there a virus or something
in the attachments?