Corrupt pst file
Unfortunately I don't know what causes this. Have you tried running
scanpst.exe? Might just solve your problem.
"Duncs" wrote in message
I too have a similar problem, as Outlook 2007 informs me on every
load, that "One of you Outlook data files did not close propoerly the
last timke you used it, and there is a problem with it. Performance
may be degraded whilst this is fixed."
This happens everytime I load the program. Any ideas what the issue
On 20 Sep, 14:01, "Pete" wrote:
My pst file seems to have become corrupted. I have repaired it with
scanpst.exe several times but more often then not when I start Outlook
(2007) it throws up an error message advising that I repair the file with
scanpst. It works immediately after I do the repair but now when I open
message I can't scroll down and after a few seconds the message goes
I am not sure if its possible to do anything to put this right. If I
a new pst file, would i be able to transfer all the messages, contacts
from the current (corrupt) file to the new one?
Your help will be much appreciated