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Old February 4th 06, 09:35 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Help I had a crash


Earlier today I responded to your problem suggesting that using System
Restore might correct your problem. Even though it probably woul, you could
try running a "Check Disk" first. It would be the more conservative option:
If check disk doesn't restore your folders, then you may have to try system
restore. Instructions below. Let me know if it helps.

How To Run Check Disk (CHK DSK) for Windows

1. Double Left Click "My Computer" on desktop to open.

2. On next screen, Right Click on "Local Disk C"

3. In box that appears, Choose "Properties"

4. In Properties, Open Tab for "Tools"

5. In Tools, Click "Check Now"

6. In the screen that appears, be sure to place checks in boxes in front of:

Automatically fix system errors


San for and attempt recovery of bad sectors

7. After you have completed the above and Start Now

A box will come up telling you that the Check disk will be run the next time
you start your computer.

8. You can Restart Computer and the computer will go into Check Disk mode
during the reboot. If you do not restart, the check disk will run the next
time you do restart your computer. The check will take at least an hour so
do this when you know you will not need the computer for a while.

"DGuess" wrote in message
DBXPress will probably end up being what you will have to use if the dbx
files are "gone" or empty.

"gary" wrote in message
I let outlook express automatically compact.
When I cam back the next morning. My computer was locked up.
Had to restart the computer manually.
Now several of my folders are empty.

Purchase orders

How can I retrieve the emails with the attachments.

Is there any way.

Thank you for all you help.

Win XP
Outlook express 6.0

