How do I create a "Group" for contacts in Outlook 2003?
I think I know what your asking. As I said I would rather not sync ALL of
the contacts I have in my main (defautl) contacts folder. The main contacts
folder is the only contacts folder I have used for many years and benn
migrated all along from previous versions of Outlook. So if I only want
certain contacts to synce then I should create one or more contact folders
or subfolders. Then move all the contacts that I don't want to sync out of
the main to those I have created. This way those that are left in the main
folder would be the contacts I want synced.
I don't mind doing that and hope moving the contacts would be an easy task.
My only concern is that if I have several contact folders, will all of the
bells and whistles of 2003 be able to find a contact in the background as it
has in the past or just one main contact folder? For example when I want to
put a person in the "TO" address, will it automatically look through all the
other contact folders in addition to the main one to match up a name or will
I have to select each sub contact folder to search through?