multiple issues
"N. Miller" wrote:
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 23:30:00 -0700, gunner2 wrote:
Mr. Miller am I not in the OUTLOOK EXPRESS 6 GENERAL area?
No. You are in ' express'.
If you wanted "General", you should have posted to
And your news reader is: "X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000",
which doesn't reveal your actual client (MS Outlook Express 6 *does* access
these groups).
I am sorry that I assumed that the person responding to this thread would not
know what discussion the thread was entered into. If the case is he didn't
know, why didn't he not just ask like you have?
He *did* assume that you were using MS Outlook Express...
Thank you. I stated that I was using windows xp-home.
Yes, but...
I did state that I was using internet explorer 7...
Yes, but...
...and yes I do have SP2 installed.
It is good form, when posting for assistance to include *all* information
which might have some relevance.
Thank you for asking. I have spent hours reading
"Help About".
Well that was a waste of time. I can learn all that I need to know from
"Help About" in less than a minute; considering that all that is written in
"Help About" is the version number of the application, and a list of file
version numbers.
I know more than most people do about computers...
I wonder...
...but I have to admit I am a small fry in a big ocean when it comes to
the technical side of how a computer works.
I hope you will pardon my sarcasm, but it shows.
I miss the simple days of DOS. I don't understand why he send me links for
instructions for windows 95-98-2000.
The first link he posted (he didn't send it to anyone, he *posted* it to a
news server. Using a *proper* news client, not the "Microsoft CDO for
Windows 2000" thingy. Like so: "X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express
6.00.2900.3138") has a section labeled "Applies To", thus:
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
The second link he posted has:
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01 Service Pack 2
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01 Service Pack 1
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.01 Service Pack 2
And the third:
| ‧ Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0
I don't think that was reasonable.
I have used MS Outlook Express 5.5 under Windows ME, and MS Outlook Express
under Windows MCE 2005 (my current OS). I can assure you that, functionally,
there is no significant difference between OE5.5 and OE6; nor between OE
under Windows ME, or OE under Windows MCE 2005. What ever applies to OE 5
applies to OE6, as well, whether it is running under Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP. Whether Windows XP is Home Edition, Church
Edition, or School Edition. His response was reasonable, assuming that you
were asking about MSOE. As I said, I have seen people post here for
assistance with MS Outlook (which has its own dedicate groups on the MSFT
NNTP servers), and even for assistance with Mozilla Thunderird (which has
its own dedicated NNTP servers run by the Mozilla Foundation.)
But he did post links to MSKB articles about MS Outlook Express. It remains
for you to post whether you attempted the listed fixes, and what happens
when you tried.
I thank you for your questions and hope my answers will help
you lead me to the information that I need.
To restate your first problem from your original post:
| 1-clicked the "Create Mail" button and got an error message "There was
| an error opening this message. An error has occurred."
That has never happened to me. Probably because I only rarely use MS Outlook
Express. I did, just now, use it to post to a "Test" news group accessible
only to subscribers of my ISP news service. So I could see what my copy of
MSOE reports in the headers. Same as Michael's:
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138
From the first link:
| When you send a message in Outlook Express, you may receive one of the following
| error messages:
| Outlook Express: There was an error opening this message.
| An error has occurred.
From the second link:
| When you attempt to create a new e-mail message or newsgroup post...
| -or-
| There was an error opening this message.
| An error has occurred.
Look familiar? However, I have received the other listed symptom:
From the first link:
| The Address Book failed to load. Outlook Express is incorrectly configured,
| please re-install.
From the second link:
| , or you attempt
| to open the Address Book in Microsoft Outlook Express, you may receive the following
| error message: Address Book failed to load. Outlook Express is incorrectly configured,
| please re-install. This message is followed by one of the following error messages:
| Unable to open the Address Book. The Address Book may not be installed properly.
The solution, posted by a helpful poster in these groups was to use the
command line access control list editor ('cacls /?' at the command prompt
well get you the help for the command) to modify the permissions for the
Windows Address Book. The only problem is, I don't know which folder you
need to check for modifying the ACLS for your problem.
To restate your second problem from your original post:
| 2- Can not opem emails that have attachments and some without do not show
| all information in them.
Alas, none of the links Michael posted cover this problem. But I have seen
recent posts about the same subject.
Here is one posted just the day before your post:
| Subject: OE6 fails to display e-mails
| Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 17:50:02 -0700
| Message-ID:
Frank Saunders posted a reply to 'edthanet' including more links to MSKB
articles. Search on the "Subject:" line.
I use a proper news reader (I prefer 40tude Dialog over MS Outlook Express
for news groups); but, it is set to purge posts after only 10 days (read
posts), or 20 days (unread posts), so I don't have any older posts in my
lists to check. From the "Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000" reader (which is
really just your web browser, in conjunction with something MSFT calls a
"Collaborative Data Object" on their web server), you should see the full
range of available posts for up to the retention period of the NNTP server.
~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.