No scrollbars when editing contacts in Outlook 2007
No, the window was already maximized, but at that screen resolution some of
the content at the bottom of the window does not fit on the screen.
When I changed my screen resolution to 800 x 600 I encountered the same
problem on my computer, although I do not typically have this problem as that
is not my preferred resolution.
Any other ideas on how to fix this? Or was Outlook just designed with the
assumption that a higher resolution would be used? It's quite frustrating for
my co-worker as she cannot easily add Contacts or make changes to her old
Thanks again,
"Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Does it help if she maximizes the Contact form?
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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"lj_99_99" wrote:
I am trying to assist a co-worker who has her screen resolution set to 800 x
600 and is having a lot of difficulty editing and adding Contacts in Outlook
When she opens a Contact (to edit an existing contact or create a new one),
there are no scrollbars on the window, even though she can only see half the
items. It is basically getting cut off right around the Address field.
Is there any way to fix this problem in Outlook 2007, or is this something
that Microsoft is working on fixing?
Thanks very much.