I have just done as you instructed and this came up...
dllregisterserver in ole32.dll succeeded. So has this fixed it? I am sorry
but I just don't know very much about the computer
"Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]" wrote in message
katie wrote:
Can anyone help me with this problem that I am having... When I try to
print anything from outlook express a error massage comes up saying....
An error has occurred in the script on this page
line 1344
char 1
error unspecified error
code 0
this is the whole message I am getting...I have tried ..start run
regsvr32 ole 32.dll an error message comes up there
saying...loadlibrary(ole) failed-the specified module could not be
found.. I would be very grateful for any help on this.
Try this (IE/OE closed).
Start - Run - Type "regsvr32 ole32.dll" (without quotes) in the box -
See: http://www.oehelp.com/OETips.aspx#12
Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003