Did the solution to reset the Outlook Bar work? For the Go menu, try
resetting the Advanced toolbar...View | Toolbars | Customize, Toolbars
tab...select the Advanced toolbar and then click the Reset button.
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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"Frank D" wrote:
Thank you for your help.
it is not only the outlook bar but also under the menu "GO" the short cuts
there are incorrect.
"Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]"
om wrote in message
So is it the Outlook Bar that's corrupted? Try starting Outlook once with
the /ResetOutlookBar switch. If you need help using Outlook command line
switches, look he
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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"Frank D" wrote:
Oddest thing occured. The main shortcuts on the bottom left of Outlook
no longer point to the appropriate folders. Even using the "Go"
do not work.
I can access the folders going through "today" then click on those links.
I researched a bit regarding this but came up empty. The last resort is
reinstalling however that doesn't really tell me why or how to
fix it.
Any ideas? thank you