Newsgroup Postings Dates
View | Current View. Check: Show All Messages & Group Messages By
View | Sort By. Check: Sent.
Tools | Options | Read. Uncheck: Get XXX headers at a time. Then, right
click on the newsgroup in the Folder Tree | Properties | Local File | Reset.
Switch to another folder and then back and all available messages will be
downloaded again.
It would be a good idea to compact your folders when you're done.
Click on Outlook Express at the top of the folder tree so no folders are
open. Then: File | Work Offline (or double click Working Online in the
Status Bar). File | Folder | Compact all folders. Don't touch anything until
the compacting is completed.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"ColTom2" wrote in message
What causes all Newsgroup postings not to be in chronological sequence
without skips
in dates? I have my Read Options applicable News set to get 300 headers at
time and I do not get anywhere near that number when I click on a
When I view windowsxp.basics it starts with today's date and stops at
9/19/2007 and then begins again at 9/9/2007 and ends with 7/26/2007. I
never been able to figure out how to get as many postings as I want and
all be listed correctly by date without skipping dates etc.
Hopefully somebody can clue me in on what to do to resolve this problem.
P.S. I originally erroneously posted this in XP basics and general. Under
OE View I have the check beside "Show All Messages" and nothing is
checked by "Show Replies To My Messages".