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Old September 28th 07, 08:30 PM posted to
Bruce Hagen
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,210
Default Message quoting in replies

If the OP is using Quoted Printable in the Plain Text format, (Tools |
Options | Send | News | Plain Text Settings), then the carats will not show
when you reply. Most post using MIME / None and you will see the carats when
replying to these posts.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA

"Alan Meyer" wrote in message
. ..
When I reply to a newsgroup message in OE, sometimes the
program will quote the original message using " " at the
beginning of each line, and sometimes not. For example:

This line is quoted.

This line is not.

The behavior is message specific. For most messages, OE
produces the quote marks. For others it will not, no matter what
I do.

Has anyone else seen this behavior and know what causes it
or how to overcome it? I would like to get the quoting every
time or, better still, to be able to turn it on or off as I choose
rather than as the program chooses.


