Thread: newsgroups
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Old October 2nd 07, 08:55 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 209
Default newsgroups

"hang_loose_hawaii" wrote ...

"VanguardLH" wrote:

"hang_loose_hawaii" wrote ...

"skibum227" wrote:

My wife recently reformatted our HD and I lost the news groups. I
go through
the process and it starts to download the groups but stops after
while . It appears that the login is wrong but I am pretty sure
is right.
I had this problem before and as I remember some of the numbers
were wrong.
Would you send me the numbers I need to set it up again. Thanks

I have a similiar problem.

So just lurk and watch the thread. There is no point to "me too"

I have lurked and cannot find any further information about my
problem. I
have called my ISP and they too cannot help me. They told me that I
need to have the user name and passsword filled in. However, I read
email thread that sugguested to do that. So I did and once I fill in
the user
name and password it will appear to be looking for my log on and
then it will
pop up again. It is the same email and password that I use for my
email. I
removed the news profile and set it up again. Once I click on the
news it
will ask to look for newsgroups and once it starts it gives an error

The "me too" post doesn't provide any further help to the actual
original poster that started the thread. From now on, if you want
help on what you think is a similar problem (but may very well not be
similar at all in cause and repair), start your own thread to ask for
your own help. Sometimes subthread become their own distinct
conversation from the original topic, but your "me too" post obviously
provided nothing to the conversation whether the original one or your
new one.


If your ISP - or whomever is providing you with newsgroups service -
says that you don't need a password then why are you listening to
someone else who obviously doesn't own and operate that newsgroups
service? You do whatever the owner of the resource tells you to do.
There is no requirement that your ISP also be the one that is
providing you with newsgroups service. Talk to whomever actually
provides the newsgroups service to find out what THEIR requirements
are for connecting to and using THEIR resources.

Since you have not yet defined who is your newsgroups provider, no one
using the same provider can tell you how they do it. But obviously
the newsgroups provider knows best how to connect to their service.
Your ISP cannot help. Okay, that probably means they aren't your
newsgroups provider.
