Error to access to a PST
Try running scanpst.exe on that PST file.
If that fails to correct eh problem try a new Outlook profile and new PST
created via the Mail icon in Control Panel. You might then be able to open
your old data file using File | Open and copy what you need over.
Bill R
"hmarinho" wrote in message
When I start the email ( MS Outlook) it doesn't respond and it appears a
message in a PST as follows:
"Cannot display the folder. Microsoft Office Outlook cannot access the
specified folder location. 'Microsoft Office Outlook' exited without
closing your Outlook data file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Antonio
Marinho\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Pastas pessoais
Multivending.pst'. 'Microsoft Office Outlook' must be restarted. If this
error message recurs, contact support for 'Microsoft Office Outlook' for
Can someone help me to solve this problem?
Thank you