I'll check that though this problem is only occuring for some of our Outlook
2007 users, Outlook 2003 users are having the issue.
"Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]" wrote:
Blank message bodies are often the result of Anti Virus/Spam email scanners.
AVG is known to cause this with Outlook 2003. Are you running an Anti Virus
application and is it set to scan email? If you do and it is, try disabling
the email scanning and see if the problem persists.
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Live at Hot Licks - www.badnewsbluesband.com
"eng-soft05" wrote in message
I have a couple of users that altered their settings for Outlook 2007. Now
some of the replies they receive from people are missing the body of the
email. They can go up on our webmail however and the entire email is
Is there a setting that I can change to resolve this problem?
Or is there a way to reset them to defaults?