I do it a little differently.
Click on the date column header to sort on date.
Scroll to the newest message that is 6 days old and click on it.
Shift + Home
At this point all messages older than 5 days should be highlighted. Then
press the Delete key + hold down the Shift key.
This will permanently delete the messages.
Ronald Sommer
"Michael Santovec" wrote in message
The best you can do is click on the date column header to sort on date.
Then click on the oldest message to highlight. Scroll to the newest
message that is 6 days old and click on it while holding down the shift
key. At this point all messages older than 5 days should be highlighted.
Then press the Delete key. Do the Sent Items folder first.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
"Brian" wrote in message
I would like Outlook Express automatically remove 'sent' and 'deleted'
older than 5 days. How do I do that?