Sending to multiple users?
I'm not sure what you mean by "limited", but ... Mailmerge will let you
merge anything you want, based on a data file, to any place you want, in the
customized messages. It's not a mail client issue.
Sammy bin Snoozin wrote:
From what I've seen, MS products are limited. Anyone tried Eudora
or another program that might do this easier?
"Poprivet" wrote in message
Sammy bin Snoozin wrote:
Thanks, that's great! I wonder if there is a way to enter the
address and the changing paragraph in a spreadsheet and
automatically combine to send the messages that way?
"Ron Sommer" wrote in message
Create the email with the common info.
File, Save As, save to the Desktop.
Open the file on the Desktop.
Insert recipient and unique paragraph.
Repeat: Open the file on the Desktop.
Insert recipient and unique paragraph.
Ronald Sommer
"Sammy bin Snoozin" wrote in
message news:mArOi.3054$Cd7.600@trnddc03...
I've got about 50 names to send the same info. Normally I put
them all in the BCC field. This time, I have to send a unique
paragraph to each, followed by common info - about 500 characters.
Is there a way to use OE6 to do this? In this case everything has
to be in the text of the email with no attachments.
If OE6 will not do this, I would appreciate hearing about
someone's experience with one that will work.
Thanks in advance.
Got MS Word? MailMerge was made just for that purpose. A little
steep curve if you've never looked into it at all, but easy if you