Importing messages into OE
One of my standard practises is to back up lots of items on my main
computer, using a script program to do so. One of the places I backup to is
an external USB drive. I then move that drive around to other machines, and
use a script to update all kinds of files et al, onto the other machines.
I also like to then import all the mail groups and messages from OE onto the
other machines, and I can do that by using the import command. But, one
problem in doing that is that the import duplicates messages into folders,
where that message may have already been resident. The only workaround I see
is to delete all messsages from the target machine, before I import. but
that's PITA.
Unlike regular files, when a file is copied into a folder, if it already
exists there, Windows will not copy a second file with the same name, as
that cannot exist in Windows. It will update the file, or whatever the user
Is there any way around stopping identical messages from being imported into
Ron Hirsch