Question about different versions of Outlook/express as indicated in theX-mailer line
I've been identifying some spam based on what appears on the X-mailer
line. I don't use Outlook or OE as an e-mail client. I'm focusing on
spammers who construct (forge) e-mail headers to make the e-mails
appear legit, which frequently means that they construct spams that
appear to have been sent by Outlook or OE.
For example, I'm seeing this in some recent spam:
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4922.1500
Of my entire e-mail inventory (about 60k e-mails going back to 1998 -
most of it being spam) I have about 2 dozen e-mails (all of them spam)
with the above X-Mailer line.
The first occurrance of that version in my e-mail inventory was in
August 2005, and the most recent was today.
Is 5.50.4922.1500 a valid version of Outlook Express, and if so when
would it have been a current version?
Is there a chronological list of OE versions?