I don't know if I am not explaining my problem correctly or not.....and I am
sorry if I am not a techy like most of you guys and girls. I'll try again.
I have a laptop PC at my office. I recently installed a DELL Desktop PC
at home. I am using "Go to my PC" at each location. I use Outlook
Express for my E-Mail on each machine. I want to have the same E-Mail
folders on my home PC as I have on my Laptop PC.
How do I copy the E-Mail folders from my Laptop PC and get them onto my Home
Am I explaining the problem correctly???? Warning.....I have different
logic than a computer....so your answers can not be of the "Techy" type.
If they are I won't understand them. Keep it straight forward and simple.
And please, don't tell me to go to some other site to follow those
instructions, because I can't understand the High Tech language. I need
plain English words. And you would be surprised at how many people send me
E-Mails saying they have the same trouble understanding the so called help
we get on these Newsgroups. I thought the newsgroups were there to help
"newbees" but most of the answers are not understandable to us beginners.
Anyway, thanks for your assistance.
"Michael Santovec" wrote in message
Backing Up, Recovering and Restoring Outlook Express versions 5 & 6 Files
and Settings
How to import a single mail folder (*.dbx)
For an alternate description, see the last paragraph he
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
"David of IC" wrote in message
Is there a way to import folders from another PC to my folders in Outlook
Express on my PC?
David of IC