Help, I Lost My Message!
The file is located under the path specified under Tools | Options |
Maintenance | Store Folder.
If you can't find it, try setting up your mail account again to get a second
copy of the same account (you can use a new Identity or not) and then,
before downloading the messages, go to Tools | Accounts | Mail | Properties
| Advanced and check the option to leave the messages on the server.
Alternatively, you can delete your email account, close OE, and then open it
again and add the account back and it should then download all the messages
(but set it to leave them on the server before downloading).
More than one way to skin a cat. G
"Ron" wrote in message
Did all that, using both the old Winfile program and some of the newer
file management programs but none of them, and not even the search
function, found pop3uidl.dbx anywhere in the entire OE folder or on the
C: drive for that matter. I know in the past I've had such a file when
dealing with Outlook Express, but it's not here now.