It was the strangest thing. When I set it up on the 2003 clients in the
office it worked without issue. I even recieved a little notification at the
bottom that affirmed that the free/busy info was sent to the server.
That prompted me to do a repair on my 2007 installation. After that
everything was golden again.
Thank you for your suggestion, I have those pages bookmarked for future
trouble shooting.
"Oliver Vukovics" wrote:
Hi Mathew,
have a look on this sites:
"How to use the Internet Free/Busy feature in Outlook 2007 and in Outlook
"How to use the Internet Free/Busy feature in Outlook"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share your Outlook PST files without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Outlook and Exchange: Public SyncTool
"Matthew" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
How do i set up Outlook 2007 to publish free/busy info to a file location
our file server? We do not have exchange and I do not want to use FTP or